The week started off we me opening the pantry door on Ellie's foot. I didn't know she was that close to the door.
Later that night, Ellie put her finger in the door at the same time that Christian was closing the pantry door!
Side note: I was at the dentist when this happened. I texted Christian to let him know I was on my way home. He texted me back with "ok, smashed finger on this end." I texted him back, "is it broke?" He sent me, "heck yeah, all 4!" I was pulling in the garage when I got this message! I was thinking...well we will be in the emergency room tonight. I flew into the house and he was standing in the kitchen just a laughing and Ellie was standing beside him with her one finger in the air! He thought he was sooo funny! Men!!
Not quite sure how she got this cut on the bottom of her big toe!
Then yesterday she got an "egg" on her head! You can kind of see it on her forehead in this picture! Her teacher, Ms. Tracy, said she was spinning around and then all of a sudden she fell and hit her head on the ground!
We are hoping it gets warm and stays warm soon. It is our spring/summer ritual to go outside every afternoon. We were outside yesterday enjoying the nice weather! Ellie drove me around in her Mustang! Last summer, I was driving her around! It was a lot of fun!
We were walking into the house yesterday afternoon and all of a sudden Ellie started saying, "I am princess!" I asked what she said. "I am a princess." Well, she is definitely mine and Christian's princess, but I am not sure where she got it from! Haha!!